Thursday, 27 March 2014

Hullo again!

Here I am, turning up like a bad penny -speaking of which I had to open my 'Found Money' jar as it was full, - total £19.94 in just over three months!

Although I've been away my eBay and other bits have kept on rolling, I've lost track of what came from where but I've added £67.96 to my total. Normal service SHALL resume, I promise!

Added in March so far: £422.59
Original Monthly Target: (£2014÷12) = £167 - left to do in March DONE - YAY!
Balance-Based Monthly Target: (£1298.14÷10) = £129.81 - left to do in March DONE - YAY!

Running total:



  1. Oh my! That number is impressive! Way To Go!!!
    ~ Pru

  2. Brilliant! You must be very proud of having broken into 4 figures. Well done!! Sx

  3. You're doing so well! Well done!
