Thursday 16 January 2014

..and some more!

My cheque arrived from NS&I for the closure of my Investment Account. £27.02 into the pot!

I also used £5.85 in coupons and vouchers today in Asda, so will be adding that to the pot. 

Running total:



  1. My goodness, you're doing so well and we're not even at the end of January! It just goes to show how a few pounds here and there really do add up. Sx

  2. Sara beat me to the punch! You are doing quite well. Keep it up! You might also want to check out Saving For Travel's website: There are lots of us dropping money into pots :-)

    Good luck!
    ~ Pru

  3. Thankyou Sara and Pru - I have been spending hours reading both of your blogs, you're very inspiring!
