Wednesday 22 January 2014

.. and yet more eBay!

I know, I said I was going to divert some - but I still have more yet to finish, so tonight another £15.78 has gone into the pot.

Running total: 



  1. Congrats on your recent Ebay successes! Why not postpone the pot when you get to a nice round figure (maybe £275) so you can save anything else into your other pots? Sx

    1. Thankyou Sara! I'd gone past £275 before I saw your comment though! As I said in tonight's post, I might try to get to £334, two months target in one.. we'll see though 'cos the pot is full but my purse is empty so any further eBay money may have to go on groceries!

  2. I just found you and am impressed, you have made a flying start. I changed up my penny jar and used it for a food shop, I added the money to my challenge account.

    1. Hi Pam, thanks for reading and commenting - how much did you get from your penny jar? Enough for a blow-out shop or a frugal version?

  3. I have just found you too, via Sara's blog. You are doing amazingly well, I am taking part in the challenge but this month I have stagnated a bit (I actually started a month early, and did well in December). I am glad you decided to blog about it, I keep thinking I will start one, but spend too much time reading and commenting on other people's blogs!!

    1. Hi and welcome Alison! I've spent a lot of time this month reading various frugal blogs I must confess!
