Thursday 30 January 2014

Progress is slowing!

Today's contributions are a little slim - £1.58 'oddses' and £6.58 eBay. I've listed a lot of my
old clothes this morning on eBay and have yet more to do, and I'm trying to pluck up the courage and motivation to actually DO a car boot sale - but it's just SO COLD!! The poor soul in this picture rather resembles my good self in proportions!

Running total:



  1. Yep I have stuff I am keeping for a car boot sale, but don't feel I can do it until it stops raining!! We are running out of time, as we have a holiday in February and will be moving away from the area by the end of March, but it has to be gone by then. I may just have to endure the ebay fees and put stuff on there. Well done on your January total - mine was terrible only around £75, with a bit in the sealed pot that is not opened until December.

  2. Thanks Alison - in fairness my January was only so good because I opened my change pot from Sept-Dec, and my 2013 'found money' pot, and added those to my total, along with a balance from my Post Office account when I closed it. Those things gave me a really good boost but strictly speaking they weren't money I'd saved or made in January...
